Thursday 29 October 2009

Colectia "Intr-un cer violet" - set 004SV

Set format din bratara (21cm), cercei si medalion.
perle de apa dulce
elemente metalice argintate
Price: 15 EUR
Shipping fees: aprox. 1,50 EUR
Code: 004SV

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Colectia "Little Mermaid" - Colier 004SLM

Colier (64cm).
lemon stone
jad albastru
margele "seed beads"
elemente argintate
Price: 10 EUR
Shipping fees: aprox. 1,50 EUR
Code 004SLM

Colectia "Little Mermaid" - Set 003SLM

Set compus din cercei si bratara (21cm).
lemon stone
Jad albastru
elemente argintate
Price: 10 EUR
Shipping fees: aprox. 1,50 EUR
Code 003SLM

Colectia "Little Mermaid" - Set 002SLM

Set compus din colier (48cm), bratara (21cm) si cercei.
perle de apa dulce
elemente argintate
Price: 25 EUR
Shipping fees: aprox. 1,50 EUR
Code: 002 SLM

Colectia "Little Mermaid" - Set 001SLM

Set format din medalion pe suport de organza (50cm) si cercei.
sticla de Murano
margele din sticla
elemente argintate
Price: 15 EUR
Shipping fees: aprox. 1,50 EUR
Code: 001SLM

Colectia "Jar" - Set 002SJ

Set format din colier (70cm), bratara (21cm) si cercei.
Materiale folosite:
elemente metalice argintate
Price: 25 EUR
Shipping fees: aprox. 1,50 EUR
Code: 002SJ

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Colectia turcoaz - Set 002ST

Set format din colier (48cm) si cercei.
margele turcoaz tibetan
cristal fumuriu
elemente metalice argintate

Price: 25 EUR
Shipping fees: aprox.1,50 EUR
Code 002T

Colectia "Turcoaz" - Set 001T

Set compus din bratara si cercei cu margele mari din turcoaz tibetan, fulgi de ametist si elemente argintate.
Price: 20 EUR
Shipping fees: aprox. 1,50 EUR
Code: 001T

Friday 2 October 2009

Colectia "Intr-un cer violet" - Set 003SV

Set compus din colier (45cm) cu medalion, fir argintat, clepsidre si fulgi de ametist, perle de apa dulce si cristale, plus cercei.
Pret: 15EUR
Cod: 003SV

Monday 28 September 2009

Colectia "Jar" - set 001SJ

Colectia "Jar" va avea rosu drept culoare predominanta.

Set compus din bratara (21cm) si cercei, margele si cuburi de coral rosu, perle de apa dulce si elemente argintate
Pret: 50RON
Cod: 001SJ

Colectia "Intr-un cer violet" - set 002SV

Set format din bratara (21cm) si cercei, fulgi si clepsidre de ametist, margele de sticla si elemente argintate

Cod 002SV

Colectia "Intr-un cer violet" - set 001SV

 Set format din bratara (21cm) si cercei, fulgi ametist, perle de apa dulce, margele din sticla si elemente argintate

Cod 001SV

Colectia "Intr-un cer violet" - bratara 001BV

Am numit in acest fel colectia din toamna aceasta, deoarece culorile predominante vor fi violet si mov.

Bratara din sarma siliconata si elemente argintate, cu clepsidre din ametist si fulgi de jad albastru si galben
Lungime: 20 cm
Pret: 35 RON
Cod 001BV

Sunday 27 September 2009

Fata verde cu parul padure (Green-hair forest girl )

"Fata verde cu parul padure" este unul din cantecele mele preferate, iar verdele este una din cele trei culori care ma definesc, alaturi de rosu si gri.
De fiecare data cand ascult acest cantec, gandul imi merge direct la imaginea unei "iele" cu parul negru si lung, imbracata intr-o rochie de un alb imaculat, dansand in adancul padurii, inconjurata fiind de un imens verde intunecat, exact nuanta sticlei de Murano folosita pentru setul de mai sus.
Setul e format dintr-un colier lung (90cm) si cercei (4cm).
Pret ( nu include costul transportului):
set: 45 EUR
colier: 35 EUR
cercei: 15 EUR
"Fata verde cu parul padure" is one of the most famous RO songs, performed by Phoenix and one of my favorite's, too.
I overheard it the first time when I was a child, maybe around aged 7 or 10 .
Each time I listen to it (with a great pleasure, of course!), I imagine a long black haired young woman, maybe aged 20,  wearing an immaculate white dress and a crown made of fresh wild flowers, dancing barefoot in the deepth of a forest in springtime.
She is surrounded by a limiteless dark green "ocean", as green as this one:

This set consisting of a long necklace (90cm) and earrings (4cm) is named "Fata verde cu parul padure".
It is dedicated to all of those having a young and wild soul.
Necklace: 35 EUR
Earrings: 15 EUR
The complete set: 45 EUR (excluding transport fees)
Location: Luxembourg City

Saturday 26 September 2009

Amintirea verii (Last summer memory dream)

Am creat setul acesta dupa vacanta petrecuta in tara, pe tarmul Marii Negre, de care ma leaga atatea amintiri placute!
De cate ori il port, visez la mirosul algelor si al nisipului incins, la strigatele vesele ale pescarusilor si zgomotul relaxant al valurilor marii. Si-mi vine sa cant "Take my breath away".
L-am numit "Amintirea verii".
Este compus din fulgi si banuti de piatra soarelui, la care am adaugat margele de nisip, in aceeasi nuanta de maro, asezate cate opt, numarul norocos al racilor.
De fapt, tot setul e gandit pentru un rac, piatra soarelui fiind una din rocile protectoare ale acestui semn zodiacal.
When I started with this idea, of making jewelry, I thought in this way: I will put in this jewelry a part of my positive energy, so, I'd like to believe that it becomes a true talisman for the owner, bringing good luck and increasing the self-healing power.
So, I've taken a deep breath and started the game...
My first "baby" is this set, made with flakes and coins of sunstone.
It includes earrings, bracelet and necklace.
I made it at the end of August, thinking of my latest holiday.
I spent it at home, in Constanta/ Romania, going to the beach every day, smelling the beautiful scent of the seawater and the warm sand and listening the peaceful noise of the seagulls.
Mmmm, to die for!
More details:
I used a number of 8 sand beads every time, because, as I know (maybe I'm wrong), 8 is the lucky number of a cancer (astrological) sign.
The sunstone is also a protective stone of this sign.
It was used by magicians to call upon the influences of the sun.
So, here it is "Last summer memory dream".

Value: not for sell (my private collection)