Saturday, 26 September 2009

Amintirea verii (Last summer memory dream)

Am creat setul acesta dupa vacanta petrecuta in tara, pe tarmul Marii Negre, de care ma leaga atatea amintiri placute!
De cate ori il port, visez la mirosul algelor si al nisipului incins, la strigatele vesele ale pescarusilor si zgomotul relaxant al valurilor marii. Si-mi vine sa cant "Take my breath away".
L-am numit "Amintirea verii".
Este compus din fulgi si banuti de piatra soarelui, la care am adaugat margele de nisip, in aceeasi nuanta de maro, asezate cate opt, numarul norocos al racilor.
De fapt, tot setul e gandit pentru un rac, piatra soarelui fiind una din rocile protectoare ale acestui semn zodiacal.
When I started with this idea, of making jewelry, I thought in this way: I will put in this jewelry a part of my positive energy, so, I'd like to believe that it becomes a true talisman for the owner, bringing good luck and increasing the self-healing power.
So, I've taken a deep breath and started the game...
My first "baby" is this set, made with flakes and coins of sunstone.
It includes earrings, bracelet and necklace.
I made it at the end of August, thinking of my latest holiday.
I spent it at home, in Constanta/ Romania, going to the beach every day, smelling the beautiful scent of the seawater and the warm sand and listening the peaceful noise of the seagulls.
Mmmm, to die for!
More details:
I used a number of 8 sand beads every time, because, as I know (maybe I'm wrong), 8 is the lucky number of a cancer (astrological) sign.
The sunstone is also a protective stone of this sign.
It was used by magicians to call upon the influences of the sun.
So, here it is "Last summer memory dream".

Value: not for sell (my private collection)


  1. Good luck! I`ll keep an eye on you :)
    X0X Hil

  2. Thank you, Andreea!
    You're welcome anytime!
    Besides, I could say that the pictures of your recipes are an inspiration of color this season.
    BTW, which is your favorite color?

  3. I have a lot of favorite colors. :)
    I love all Autumn leaf colors.
    Have a great Sunday!

  4. Good luck with your inspiration. Your creations show that you have imagination and an eye for color. Follow this rainbow.
